
Archive for June, 2013

NEW JOURNAL: Nazioni e Regioni


The journal Nazioni e Regioni – Studi e Ricerche sulla comunità immaginata [Nations and Regions – Studies and Researches on Imagined Communities] is meant to be an open and interdisciplinary place that, in the wake of the successful experience of similar journals in English-speaking countries, intends to encourage work in a research field which is still marginal in Italy’s and Europe’s scientific production, thus giving the possibility to scholars interested in nationalism to publish the results of their enquiries and enter a debate with other scholars. Despite being published only in Italian, Nazioni e Regioni aims at having an international public, therefore it will accept contributions in various languages (in particular, Italian, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Catalan) that will subsequently be translated into Italian by the editors.The Nazioni e Regioni project is not limited to the scientific journal but is articulated into a whole series of related forums for debate, with the explicit purpose of becoming an authoritative and user-friendly point of reference for those who are interested in such questions. Therefore the project also includes a blog – meant to be a place for debate, discussion and exchange that may be more open and informal than the journal, and on which there will be articles on current affairs, databases, information on congresses, conferences and seminars – and a book series in which we shall publish PhD theses and unpublished monographs on questions related to regionalisms and nationalisms and translations into Italian of relevant studies on nations and nationalisms. We accept contributions that analyze theoretical questions related to nationalism and regionalism, enquiries on the current situation of the study of specific cases, researches on concrete aspects of national construction analyzed from different scientific angles.

Nazioni e Regioni, n. 1 (2013)

Terry Eagleton, “Il nazionalismo: tra ironia e adesione;

Anne-Marie Thiesse, “Alla base del regionalismo: la definizione della cultura popolare”;
Ferran Requejo, “I fronti deboli del pluralismo politico. Le minoranze nazionali e culturali in Europa”;
Xosé M. Núñez Seixas, “Sul nazionalismo spagnolo e la questione linguistica (1900-1975)”;
Borja de Riquer i Permanyer, “La formazione delle nuove identità nazionali nel XIX secolo. Il caso catalano (I)”;
José Antonio Rubio Caballero, “Resurrezione o canto del cigno? Il discorso del protonazionalismo bretone nel XIX secolo”;
María del Mar Larraza Micheltorena, Álvaro Baraibar Etxeberria, “La Navarra sotto il franchismo: la lotta per il controllo provinciale tra i Governatori Civili e la Diputación Foral (1945-1955)”;
Vicent Flor, “Fare la Spagna dalla periferia. L’anticatalanismo e la regione valenzana”;
Tudi Kernalegenn, “Quando il passato si tinge di rosso: la socializzazione della storia nazionale e la nazionalizzazione delle lotte sociali in Bretagna e Galizia negli anni ’70″.
Recensioni: Francesca Zantedeschi, “Nicolas Berjoan, L’identité du Roussillon. Penser un pays catalan à l’âge des nations (1780-2000)“; Julián Sanz Hoya, “Ferran Archilés, Una singularitat amarga. Joan Fuster i el relato de la identitat valenciana“; Jon Martínez Larrea, “Gaizka Fernández Soldevilla, Raúl López Romo, Sangre, votos y manifestaciones. El nacionalismo vasco radical 1958-2011“.

Il primo numero della rivista è scaricabile gratuitamente in formato PDF: http://www.nazionieregioni.it

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Regardless of the result of the upcoming referendum on Scottish independence, there is much to debate about the future of public policy and economic growth in Scotland. With this in mind, GovKnow is delighted to present the Future of Scotland Conference 2013, to be held on Thursday 5th December in Central Edinburgh. This important and timely event will provide delegates with a forum for discussion and debate on the key challenges to Scotland’s economic growth and national prosperity.

Key topics to be discussed include:

* Modernising public service delivery

* Improving social justice and tackling multiple disadvantage

* Creating an environment in which businesses can succeed

* Strengthening partnerships between the public sector, business and education to deliver on skills

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Invited speakers include:

* John Swinney MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth (CONFIRMED)

* Johann Lamont MSP, Leader, Scottish Labour

* Professor James Mitchell, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh (CONFIRMED)

* Kenneth Hogg, Director for Local Government and Communities, Scottish Government

* Cllr David O’Neill, President, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

* Damien Yeates, Chief Executive, Skills Development Scotland

* Iain McMillan CBE, Director, CBI Scotland

* Jonathan Pryce, Director, Food and Rural Communities Directorate, Scottish Government

* Martin Sime, Chief Executive, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

* Diane McLafferty, Head of Scottish Commonwealth Games Division, Scottish Government



We are currently offering a £100 off early bird discount for a limited time period only until 5pm Friday, 28th June. Further details and rate card are available online <https://ac.know-mail.com/lt.php?c=3876&m=4900&nl=1&s=36c130bce6b6807c1b80e3a1e6909257&lid=102124&l=-http–www.govknow.com/event-booking–Q-eventId–E-557&gt; .

To register, please book online <https://ac.know-mail.com/lt.php?c=3876&m=4900&nl=1&s=36c130bce6b6807c1b80e3a1e6909257&lid=102124&l=-http–www.govknow.com/event-booking–Q-eventId–E-557&gt; or call 0845 647 7000. Please quote promotional code FOS2806 at the time of booking.

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Presentations and podcasts from the Future of the Uk and Scotland Conference on 2-3 May 2013 are now available on the ESRC website:


Day 1: Thursday 2 May

Plenary session 1: The Scottish economy in national and international contexts

This session looks at the tax options open to an independent Scotland and compare Scotland and the UK on such issues as public spending. It examines the coherence of alternative currency and fiscal arrangements for Scotland and the UK, and the Scottish economy in a global context.

Plenary session 2: Scottish governance under developing constitutional relationships

This session examines the feasibility of shared services, infrastructures and institutions, the governing arrangements necessary for co-ordinating them, and the likely power dynamics between governments. It looks at attitudes to independence and what forms them and give a regional and historical perspective on issues raised by the independence debate.

Day 2: Friday 3 May

Plenary session 3: Scotland’s political relationships in UK and international contexts

This session explores the context for Scottish independence or continuing devolution; defence and foreign policy issues raised by the independence debate; and gives a European perspective on Scottish independence or devolution.

Plenary session 4: The future of Scottish society

This session looks at life chances, social mobility and issues of social justice and citizenship and the future of Social Security policy. It also examines the potential impact on secessionism elsewhere in Europe.

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